Our education projects from recent years have been a real success involving schools, education experts, cultural institutes and the European Commission.
Connecting Classrooms
In September 2010 we launched Connecting Classrooms in Hungary. This project built lasting partnerships between groups of schools in the UK and in over 60 countries around the world. Through these partnerships, the programme developed understanding and trust between young people in different societies, creating a safer and more connected world for the future.
Our partner was the Pedagogical Institute of Budapest, Mérei Ferenc Fővárosi Pedagógiai és Pályaválasztási Tanácsadó Intézet. Ten schools from Budapest participated in the first year of the project and 20 more joined the project in September 2011 from all over Hungary.
Language Rich Europe
Language Rich Europe created an informed dialogue with leaders in government, educational institutions, public services, business and the media across Europe, highlighting the importance of multilingualism in achieving more prosperous and stable societies. The project encouraged and enabled these leaders to take a more strategic approach and increase investment in language education and use of languages across society.
Language Rich Europe was co-funded by the European Commission and we were working with a wide network of partners and specialists in 19 participating countries, including EUNIC, the European Union’s Network of National Institutes of Culture.
We carried out professional research that resulted in an innovative and interactive measurement tool called the 'Index of Multilingual Policies and Practices in Europe'. It helped visualise the role of, and support for, multilingualism in the participating European countries and highlighted good practice.