Cambridge nyelvvizsga felkészítő diákoknak, British Council Budapest.

Free programmes for schools in Budapest

presentations on the cambridge english exams

In February we held free presentations at secondary schools in Budapest about FCE and CAE including some sample test tasks. Our capacity is limited so contact us if you aim to have a presentation at your school. We expect at least 25-30 students to be present. 

CAE english lessonS

Chris White, senior teacher of the British Council will held 90 minute lessons at C1 level to explore the most challenging aspect of the CAE Use of English paper; Key word transformation. The lesson will be communicative and students will be given the opportunity to work with exam examples in a communicative way.

Possible days to choose: 13/14 ,  20/21 , 27, 28 February to go to schools in normal hours. If required he can do a short Q&A session after the lesson.

Contact us if you would like to have any of these programmes at your school. Our capacity is limited so contact us as soon as possible.

Please give us the following information:

  • your name and telephone number,
  • your school's name and address,
  • which programme you apply for,
  • suggested date and time (please note the CAE dates),
  • who would attend at the programme (number of students, class and level of English),