Our Business English course covers topics relevant to work and social situations which you are likely to experience in international business. 

The focus of these courses is on developing speaking and listening skills as well as extending your vocabulary although some written work will be included. 

Each lesson will have a business related theme and be led by an experienced English teacher with business experience. 

This course is aimed at B2 to C1 level students.

One full academic year (3 terms) is designed to process the entire course book. Generally speaking – apart from students’ individual progress – it is recommended to complete 3 terms before moving to another level (e.g. from B2 to C1). Please note that the units of the course book are not built on one another, so it is possible to join any stage (any term) of the course during the academic year.

Learn the world’s business language with the world’s English experts and you will:

  • improve every aspect of your English to communicate better in the workplace
  • use targeted, up-to-date business materials that help with the specific areas you want 
to improve
  • experience business focused lessons, allowing you to practise English through role-plays, presentations and written tasks
  • learn in a professional, business-like environment.

Course information

  • Course format

    36 hours / 24 lessons, over 12 weeks

  • Course location

    Pest Centre - 13-14 Madách Imre street, Madách Trade Center - Building "A" , Floor 2, Budapest 1075

  • Price

    The full price of the course for one term is HUF 133,100.

    Instalment payments are available on selected courses – please enquire.

  • Please note that we do not offer trial classes, student allocation is based on our consulting teachers' recommendations. After registration, transfer to another level is only possible on the basis of a teacher's recommendation, we cannot consider individual requests.

Business English
Terms and timetables

TERM 1: 17 September to 12 December 2024

TERM 2: 7 January to 27 March 2025

TERM 3: 3 April to 26 June 2025

TERM 3 - 3 April to 26 June 2025
Levels Days Time
Business Advanced (C1) Tuesday and Thursday 07.30-09.00
Business Higher (B2) Tuesday and Thursday 19.30-21.00

Please note that class timetables are subject to change.

List of public holidays and non-teaching days can be found here.

We accept the following payments:

  • electronic bank transfer using your internet banking service
  • direct debit from your bank 
  • card payment at course location.


Bank: Citibank Zrt.

Bank account holder: British Council Hungary

Bank account number: 10800007-77237006-00000000


IBAN code: HU46 1080 0007 7723 7006 0000 0000