Our IELTS preparation course will help you reach the score you want and give you an overview of the exam and the modules that make it up.

Prepare for IELTS with the world’s English experts and you will:

  • familiarise yourself with all aspects of the IELTS test format: reading, writing, speaking and listening
  • practise with authentic questions and receive expert advice from qualified and experienced teachers
  • learn test taking strategies to help you maximise your test result
  • receive feedback on your strengths and areas to improve
  • feel more confident on the day of your test.

Course information

  • Course format

    24 hours / 8 lessons, twice a week, over 4 weeks

  • Course location

    Pest Centre - 13-14 Madách Imre street , Madách Trade Center - Building "A", Floor 2, Budapest 1075

  • Price

    The price of the 4 week course is HUF 103,000.

    Instalment payments are available on selected courses – please enquire.

  • Please note that we do not offer trial classes, student allocation is based on our consulting teachers' recommendations. After registration, transfer to another level is only possible on the basis of a teacher's recommendation, we cannot consider individual requests.

Terms and timetables

TERM 3 - 31 March to 26 June 2025
Dates Days Time
31 March to 28 April Monday and Wednesday

17.45 - 21.00

6 May to 29 May Tuesday and Thursday

17.45 - 21.00

28 May to 25 June Monday and Wednesday

17.45 - 21.00

Please note that class timetables are subject to change.

List of public holidays and non-teaching days can be found here.

 We accept the following payments:
  • electronic bank transfer using your internet banking service
  • direct debit from your bank 
  • card payment at course location.


Bank: Citibank Zrt.

Bank account holder: British Council Hungary

Bank account number: 10800007-77237006-00000000


IBAN code: HU46 1080 0007 7723 7006 0000 0000