Four young people walking down the street chatting together
Four young people walking down the street chatting together ©

All rights reserved to the British Council


You can read about the completion requirements for the individual Cambridge Assessment English exams on this page, in the description section for each exam.

Candidates now have direct access to their results via the Cambridge Assessment English Online Results Service website. Each candidate's personal timetable will include login details and candidates will also receive an e-mail notifying them that the results release period has begun. Please note that candidates must retain their timetables until they have received their results.


Exam certificates can only be collected in person from your Local Exam Centre* once a notification e-mail has been received.

Kindly note, that lost certificates (either international or Hungarian) cannot be printed again, we can only issue a verification.

Certificates always display the personal information printed on the identification document and provided at registration, this can only be changed in exceptional cases.

You can find more information on the relevant pages of the Cambridge Assessment English website.

Cambridge Assessment English exams only provide a single-language, complex language certificate. You cannot get a so-called partial certificates (writing-only or speaking-only)

Young learners

You will receive an award from Cambridge Assessment English, showing your performance in each part of the test – Listening, Reading and Writing and Speaking.

For each part of the test you get one or more Cambridge shields (up to a maximum of five) so you could get a total of 15 shields for the whole test!

Young Learner results are issued approximately eight weeks after the date of your examination. Everyone who completes their test receives an award, which focuses on what they could do (not what they couldn’t do). It gives them credit for having taken part in the test.

Extended certification

From March 2011 Cambridge Assessment English has introduced Extended Certification, which is aimed at giving many candidates additional credit for the language skills they have demonstrated in a Cambridge Assessment English examination. It also aims to help universities, employers and other organisations get a clearer picture of how candidates' results relate to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). It works in two ways:

  1. A candidate who performs particularly well in the exams can get credit at a higher level on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). For example, candidates who get grade A in Cambridge Assessment English: C1 Advanced receive a C2 Proficiency certificate indicating that they are at C2 level.
  2. Candidates can also receive credit for their English language skills, even if they do not achieve a passing grade. So a candidate who does not get enough marks for a grade C in Cambridge Assessment English: C1 Advanced can still be awarded a certificate showing performance at level B2 if they show this level of ability in the exam.

From January 2015, Cambridge Assessment English started using a new way of reporting results for our exams that will provide you with more detailed information about exam performance – the Cambridge Assessment English Scale.

Results enquiries

If you feel that your exam was unfairly marked, Cambridge Assessment English has a rigorous and thorough Result Enquiry Procedure to ensure all components are checked and, if requested, re-marked. If you want to query your result, this must be submitted through the British Council on your behalf.

Results Enquiry Procedure has two stages:

Stage What is the enquiry process? How long does it take? What does it cost?
Stage 1 A clerical re-check Approximately 10 days 11,000 HUF
Stage 2 A re-mark of all written papers* Approximately 4 weeks**

32,000 HUF


50,000 HUF

(all other exams)

* Please note that this process does not apply to any Speaking test component.

** To request a Stage 2 enquiry, a candidate must have received their results and completed Stage 1 of the Results Enquiry Process.

If you wish to submit an enquiry on your results, please contact us at