The Credible Local Voices project aims to build social cohesion and resilience to disinformation in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Bulgaria.
The project is designed to develop critical skills and build cohesive communities by exposing citizens to a diverse range of information and opinions. By engaging various communities, we offer opportunities to listen to and learn from different perspectives, develop essential skills such as critical thinking, media literacy and problem-solving, and motivate participants to collaborate for positive change.
In Hungary, through a series of workshops, training sessions, debate forums and cultural events, we will create platforms for dialogue and understanding among diverse groups and will enable participants to become proactive, critical consumers of media, more discerning towards narratives and more open to other sections of society.
We work closely with NGOs, independent cultural organisations, film festivals and research institutes. Our partners in Hungary are Political Capital, Transparency International Hungary, Artemisszió Foundation, Budapest International Film Festival, Budapest International Documentary Festival and Trafó House of Contemporary Arts
The Credible Local Voices project is funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.